Visualizzazione post con etichetta google street view. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta google street view. Mostra tutti i post

lunedì, settembre 24

Street Ghosts Project.

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“In the hippest areas for Street Art in NYC, London and Berlin, life-sized pictures of people found on Google’s Street View were printed and posted without authorization at the same spot where they were taken. The posters are printed in color on thin paper, cut along the outline, and then affixed with wheatpaste on the walls of public buildings at the precise spot on the wall where they appear in Google’s Street View image. Street Ghosts has been a rigorous hunt for the most visible people on spooky buildings with walls available for art interventions. In the last 15 days more than 30 posters were posted on the walls of NYC, London and Berlin. The physical evidence of the ghosts’ appearance may vanish quickly, but its documentation will remain forever.”

World Wide Map of Streets Ghosts project.
More here:
Street Ghosts

By Paolo Cirio.
Paolo Cirio

mercoledì, novembre 23

Peugeot RCZ - "A new way to experience routes around the world".

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Ideato dall'agenzia Loducca di São Paulo per il lancio della nuova Peugeot RCZ, View è un divertente mash-up in grado di generare, attraverso le immagini di Google street view, realistiche esperienze di guida in stop motion.
Da provare!

venerdì, settembre 30

State Farm Insurance Unleash Chaos

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Per invitare gli utenti a prendere in considerazione l'opportunità di sottoscrivere una tranquillizzante polizza assicurativa, il gruppo statunitense State Farm Insurance ha lanciato State of Chaos, un interactive film che, alla stregua di The Wilderness Downtown, utilizza lo street view di Google Maps per realizzare blockbuster dall'ambientazione familiare. 

Fonte: Adverblog
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