
venerdì, aprile 12

Facebook round-up. #weekly 43

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Problem solving!

Epic T-shirt
Life is ...

Amazing tattoo by MrDado Carlini 

Unity by Bohyun Yoon (2009)

Equality doesn't mean justice

Meanwhile in Heaven...

giovedì, aprile 11

KIT KAT White - Final Fifty

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"The Limited edition KitKat White has run out. 
But we managed to save the last fifty. 
How do you make something that's limited...last forever?"

KitKat turns the last box of chocolates in Art.

Advertising Agency: JWT Sydney
Illustrator: Mike Watt
Source: Brainstorm9

lunedì, aprile 8

WWF clearing a football pitch during live game

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In order to show that every four minutes an area the equivalent of a football pitch is deforested in Brazil, the WWF changed the colour of the pitch from green to a dead dark brown sporadically during the match.
   Source: Bloguerrilla

venerdì, aprile 5

Facebook round-up. #weekly 42

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The seven most popular posts of the week.


Easter 2007 vs. Easter 2013

Born to be rebel

Vintage social networking by Wrong Hands

Modern portrait

Les voyageurs - Amazing sculpture by Bruno Catalano

The Art of Arthur Berzinsh

martedì, aprile 2

Vivienne Westwood Mannequins Turn into Domestic Abuse Victims

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In Milan, British designer Vivienne Westwood turns the mannequins in her store window into victims of domestic abuse, giving them black eyes and bruises, to raise awareness of a growing problem.

Advertising agency: Leo Burnett, Milan.
Source: Youtube
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