
venerdì, settembre 14

Facebook round-up. #weekly 13

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

“Looking Into The Past” by Jason E. Powell

Up cake
Before not B4

Phone Booths Goldfish Aquariums by Goldfish Club 

Real Life 2.0 windows sticker

Forced perspective photography by Arno Rafael Minkkinen

An island of harmony in Montreal

giovedì, settembre 13

Ronda - "Extremely Sharp". Creative Billboard

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Advertising Agency: Strange Idea Ad, Beijing, China
Creative Director: Tif Chen
Art Directors: King Chen, Tony Li
Copywriter: Wendy Wang
Illustrator: Chen Lei
Photographer: Chen Lei
Source: I Believe in ADV

mercoledì, settembre 12

Willow - Sweater

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Video for Willow's 'Sweater'.
Everything shot in studio with 3 beamers projecting on a floor and two walls.

Directed by: Filip Sterckx
DOP: Pierre Schreuder
3D animation / Editing: Filip Sterckx
Production: Pierre Schreuder, Filip Sterckx
Technical support: Aitor Biedma
Production assistant: Nils Goddeeris
Thanks to: Het Depot, Stake5, Cools multimedia, Tom Brewaeys, Birgit Sterckx, Antoon Verbeeck, Pieter-Jan Boghe

Come4 - Porn with heart

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Come4 is a charity user-generated porn site with 3 objectives:

1. Promote a positive ideal of porn and sexuality that avoids degradation and exploitation.
2. Respect consumers of online sexual content.
3. Support people, ethical causes and non-profit foundations with provoking ideas.

So our project, in a nutshell, goes like this.
We'll build a website where:

a. People can upload, watch, share and rate self-made erotic porn and sexual content
b. Users can interact together, create groups, and win and distribute awards
c. Every video is associated with a charitable cause selected by users
d. The money donated by users or generated from advertisements goes directly to the cause the video is associated with

We think that time has come to critically rethink the relationship between the Internet and sexuality, its global impact, role, form and scope. Our promise is that all Come4 cash flow will always be absolutely transparent, the interface will be smooth and friendly, users’ privacy and data will never be exploited, spam and aggressive advertising will never be used, and any inappropriate content involving violence or physical harm will be immediately removed and reported.

Let’s fight hypocrisy with ethics, Let’s start the new sexual revolution together!

lunedì, settembre 10

#socialmedia by ABOVE

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As irony has it this video will be reblogged and seen on social media outlets the world over. Go ahead and participate in the irony and reblog the video on your facebook and twitter accounts.
People look at me like I’m from another planet when I tell them I don’t have social media like Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. In the eyes of social media I’m severely outdated, lost and not ‘connected’.
Not partaking in the aforementioned social media makes me an outsider looking in on how hyper frequent society uses its sacred social media. I can’t help but observe the people around me who appear to be consumed and addicted to trying to keep up to speed on their social media pages.
You check your Facebook page while driving. Tweet a message that you ‘just took a shower’. Instagram a photo of your double soy macchiato with extra foam and so it continues ad infinitum.
I have more questions than I do answers with social media. We live in a ridiculously hyper fast pace life where information is exchanged so rapidly that it makes us feel inadequate and drains our attention span. This painting was executed at the GALORE festival ( in Copenhagen, Denmark. The painting is a time-lapse composed of over 9,000 photos and painted over a 5-day period. Enjoy and try to keep up.

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