
lunedì, ottobre 8

Alejandro Maestre Gasteazi - "El hombre que se crea". Portrait of Julian Canovas-Yañez

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Julián is a good friend who I deeply respect; he is a multidisciplinary and complete artist. He is, at the same time, film director, sculptor, painter, photographer and writer. He suggested time ago the idea of doing a portrait of him that could describe his capacity of creating and his constant search to understand his body and spirit. All these made me think about his work and helped me to develop the idea of this work. Therefore, with this photograph series I intend to show an artist fighting to get to know and shape himself and turn into a better human being.

Source: Fubiz

venerdì, ottobre 5

Facebook round-up. #weekly 16

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Meanwhile in a different dimension… 


The Loch Ness banana

Celebrity Men as Women

From mother to daughter...
Erika Iris - "Ghost in the Machine"

"Butterfly" - Body Paintings by Craig Tracy 

martedì, ottobre 2

The Evolution of Digital Advertising

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Infographic by PointRoll.

Philips - The Art of Ironing.

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The unique performance of Philips irons and steamers is demonstrated by the Art of Ironing. The classical Dutch paintings are re-created on a plain piece of white tissue with Philips ironing aids.

Credits Advertising Agency:
DDB, Moscow, Russia
Creative Director: Anna Denisova
Art Director: Ivan Davydov
Director: Anton Groves
Production: Yarche, Carioca Studio
Published: September 2012
Source: Ads Of The World 
Tnx: Curljam

venerdì, settembre 28

Facebook round-up. #weekly 15

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Global Warming
Raising the Roof - "If this poster were a homeless youth, most people wouldn't even bother to look down."

Who wants one of these?

Red Bull portable charger

Tim Burtonned Avengers by La-Chapeliere-Folle

"World’s Best Father" by Engledow Art Photography

Moneygami by Yosuke Hasegawa

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