
venerdì, dicembre 14

Facebook round-up. #weekly 26

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Just do it Santa!

Amazing 3D tattoo

Find the differences
How to be famous by Nacho Díaz Arjona

"There are solutions even to the hardest problems"

Vermont Department of Health - "When you smoke, your baby smokes."
The Midnight Sun by Anda Bereczky

martedì, dicembre 11

Natale con Intersport.

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Intersport festeggia l'arrivo del Natale con un’applicazione Facebook che offre agli utenti la possibilità di scambiarsi insoliti video biglietti di auguri.
Una volta dato il consenso all'applicazione e scelto l’amico a cui mandare gli auguri, l'utente non deve fare altro che selezionare uno dei sei video presenti. Ogni video ha un tono ironico e segue le vicende di uno sportivo comune intento a praticare sport in modo grottesco per recapitare un regalo al domicilio del destinatario.

Source: Bloguerrilla

Pills of Dana Wyse

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Using humour and irony, Wyse’s pharmacy discusses such universal themes as gender, race, existence, spirituality, death, politics, sexuality, identity, dreams and aspirations. The work also dissects aspects of human relationships such as trust, love, communication, pleasure and power. Wyse incorporates advertising images from the 1960s into her work to underline the absurdity of these images as well as man’s lust for shopping and mass consumption.

Source: Toginis + Wikipedia
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