
venerdì, marzo 15

Facebook round-up. #weekly 39

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Safety device
Amazing shot

Unconventional wedding invitation idea
In a parallel universe...

Map of American television series

Amazing 3D Graffiti

LOL meter

mercoledì, marzo 13

World's Deadliest Horror Villain - Top 10 by kill count. #infographic

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Infographic by

Prague Spring - Ring up your music

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In order to promote the festival of classical music we perform a promo action in the shop where every customer can compose his own piece of music. We draw a musical staff on the cash register tape. When the cashier is ringing up the sale, some sounds are coming from the speakers forming a piano work composed by the customer instead of the annoying ringing. After passing the checkout lane the customer receives a receipt with the list of purchases and a sheet music of his own composition.

How does it work
The cash register tape has the indicators that detect the location of items in musical staff. After that the notes are organized in the same order as the items on tape forming a piano piece of music.

Advertising School: MADS, Moscow, Russia
Creative Directors: Arina Avdeeva, Denis Eliseev
Copywriter: Ilya Torgovnikov
Art director: Mitya Katkin

martedì, marzo 12

Afrika Kicker by MISEREOR

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The relief organisation MISEREOR is always looking for new ways to promote its, "2 Euros Help" initiative. Table Football for Africa is an interactive donation box in the form of a table football game, complete with all the adversities you might expect at a typical African kick-about. The 2 Euro donation goes directly towards promoting sports for children and young people in Rwanda and South Africa. A facebook app spread word of the campaign on the social web with a ticker and live stream, drawing attention to the initiative and encouraging more giving.

Special elements added to the table make the game a more like a real African football match: a sandy and uneven ground, figures on crutches, a tree in the middle of the field, and a well that can easily swallow the ball mid-play. The inside edges of the table show off other meaningful projects that will be supported by the donations. The game is also available for mobile devices and on Facebook, presented in a striking African design.

How does it spread on the Internet? 
hen players log-on to their facebook profile, their friends can follow the game with the live-ticker and, using a special pin-board, make their own donations online. An integrated camera also broadcasts every game, live on Facebook.
The centrepiece of the system is an Arduino board. This board is able to register events during the game using integrated sensors. An LTE stick then sends this information to the game server. A Flash Media Live Encoder running on a Mac Mini sends the camera signal to the streaming provider, Ustream.

For more information visit
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