
lunedì, settembre 24

Street Ghosts Project.

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“In the hippest areas for Street Art in NYC, London and Berlin, life-sized pictures of people found on Google’s Street View were printed and posted without authorization at the same spot where they were taken. The posters are printed in color on thin paper, cut along the outline, and then affixed with wheatpaste on the walls of public buildings at the precise spot on the wall where they appear in Google’s Street View image. Street Ghosts has been a rigorous hunt for the most visible people on spooky buildings with walls available for art interventions. In the last 15 days more than 30 posters were posted on the walls of NYC, London and Berlin. The physical evidence of the ghosts’ appearance may vanish quickly, but its documentation will remain forever.”

World Wide Map of Streets Ghosts project.
More here:
Street Ghosts

By Paolo Cirio.
Paolo Cirio

Sea Shepherd - Panda meat.

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The problem: the bluefin tuna ought to be on the endangered list. It's not, because Japan and China have bribes to keep it off that list. If asians don't take bluefin off the menu,  it's likely to go extinct pretty soon.

Our solution: we wanted people to realize that eating bluefin tuna is like eating panda. We offered panda meat for sale online ( and through sampling booths set up in supermatkets, street markets and travel fairs.

The response: "You sick bastards." "How could you kill pandas?" and "I'm calling the police." were the most common initial reactions. But once we pointes out the double standards, it was "really? I didn't know." and "I'll never eat bluefin again." 171,467 people pledged to give up eating bluefin. Needless to say, no pandas were harmed in the experiment.

Sea Shepherd compares the panda to the bluefin tuna.
Why do we treasure one endangered species but slaughter another?

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy, Singapore
Chief Creative Officer: Steve Back
Creative Directors: Juggi Ramakrishnan, Richard Copping
Art Directors: Richard Copping, Anthony Tham
Copywriter: Juggi Ramakrishnan
Producers: Amarjeet Kaur, Alvin Chin
Sound: The Gunnery
Post Production: Critica, Hogarth
Photographer: Teo
Studio Stock Images: Getty, Corbis
DI: Procolor

venerdì, settembre 21

Facebook round-up. #weekly 14

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Like father, Like son

"Thank you mom and dad for giving me the world"
Awesome sculpture by Marco Cianfanelli to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Nelson Mandela's capture by the apartheid police.

Mladen Penev - "The Power of Books" 

Crash test

Petrol price for cyclists

"Breastfeeding moms deserve privacy, even in a crowd". David Horsey / Los Angeles Times (July 12, 2012)


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An interactive installation created from 6.000 light bulbs by Caitlind R.C. Brown & Wayne Garrett.

giovedì, settembre 20

The sound of wine - Il viral che trasforma il vino in musica

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Un’orchestra composta da 10 giovani musicisti mette in scena un concerto in una location insolita: una cantina vinicola. Ancora più insoliti sono gli strumenti musicali suonati: 250 bicchieri riempiti di vino, bottiglie, tappi e botti di legno.
Ecco come Tasca d’Almerita, storica azienda vinicola siciliana, ha scelto di raccontare l’anima dei suoi vini nel nuovo video realizzato dalla viral company Mosaicoon.
Come la musica, il vino è in grado, infatti, di trasmettere emozioni intense e memorabili ed è per questo che Tasca d’Almerita ha scelto un senso diverso per esprimerne l’essenza: l’udito.
"The perception of the quality of wine is at first felt by the sense of taste, smell and colour. Our aim is to tell the soul of wine by perceiving it with the sense of hearing. As music, in fact, wine can excite intense emotions. With this musical piece, wine is at one time composer, performer and main character."
Nasce, così, un’opera musicale composta dai suoni del vino: un modo inedito per presentare il mondo Tasca e la terra da cui provengono i suoi prodotti.

Il video “The sound of wine” si è classificato tra i primi 9 finalisti del concorso annuale di Wine Spectator, uno dei più noti magazine internazionali dedicati al mondo del vino.
Tnx Marco Imperato

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