
venerdì, maggio 24

Su Vulcano con un MacGuffin in mano

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Una breve digressione di Andrea Natella su storytelling e guerriglia marketing.

Via KOOK Artgency

Facebook round-up. #weekly 49

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

One minute!
There's a serious lack of understanding between them
Love at first sight it might be dangerous

"Racional" - Sculpture by Yoan Capote
Tourist Shot User Manual by Femmy Priscillya Antolinez

The irony of fate. Share a Coke with....

Game of Thrones Toilet Decal

mercoledì, maggio 22

PETA - 98% Human

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A powerful video created by BBDO that sheds light onto the turmoil faced by great apes used by the entertainment industry.

Over the years, the advertising industry has produced hundreds of commercials featuring real great apes. Advertisers were unaware of the terrible ordeal the animals endured in order to end up in front of the camera. Please take the pledge and commit to never use real great apes.

Advertising Agency: BBDO, New York, USA
Chief Creative Officer: David Lubars
Executive Creative Director: Toygar Bazarkaya
Associate CD / Art Director: Daniel Aykurt, Alessandro Fruscella
Production: The Mill

Source: I Believe in ADV

venerdì, maggio 17

Facebook round-up. #weekly 48

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Monday is coming, be prepared
Thank God It's Friday

Amazing optical illusion by Erik Johansson
Emoticons vs. Botoxicons by Tim Whyatt

"Who am I?" by Simply Deep
Copy: “At this moment, your bum is completely exposed. If it were in a sexy pair of jeans, it would attract attention all the time!”
Modern heroes

giovedì, maggio 16

Israel Parkinson Association - Awareness Campaign.

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To promote awareness of World Parkinson’s Day, we invited 18 different Parkinson’s patients to write our ads in their own handwriting. 
Each patient wrote the message "Today is World Parkinson’s Day" and signed their name under the headline.

Advertising Agency: Draftfcb+ Shimoni Finkelstein Barki, Tel Aviv, Israel
Creative Director: Kobi Barki
Art Director: Liat Zur
Copywriter: Kobi Barki, Efrat Abudi
Source: I Believe in Adv

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