
venerdì, luglio 5

Facebook round-up. #weekly 55

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The seven most popular posts of the week. 

How to get a six pack fast!
The first rule of Fight Club is: "You do not talk about Fight Club." The second rule of Fight Club is: "You do not...

The last Rock supper

The music effect

Airport in Denmark has strict rules in their parking area

Business and Revolution
Artist Nikolay Lamm shown Barbie look like measurements normal 19 year old woman

giovedì, luglio 4

Outdoor campaign for Black Sabbath’s comeback album.

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The agency used a poster campaign where the poster emerges from layers of old posters that have been cut away to reveal that the legendary band has returned.

Advertising Agency: McCann, Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director: Mads Ohrt
Creatives: Andreas Rasmussen, Janus Hansen
Account manager: Celina Aagaard
Source: Bestadsontv

martedì, luglio 2

Assolatte - “Il latte non è solo roba per bambini”

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Il latte non è solo roba per bambini”: è questo il concept dell’irriverente campagna viral lanciata dalla Associazione Italiana Lattiero Casearia con l’obiettivo di riavvicinare teenager e giovani adulti al consumo della bevanda da sempre correlata al mondo infantile.

Rovesciando l’immagine di purezza tradizionalmente associata al latte, Assolatte diffonde in rete un viral, girato con riprese live, che vede come protagoniste 3 mascotte tutt'altro che politically correct: rimorchiano le ragazze che incontrano in spiaggia, provocano e infastidiscono i passanti e arrivano persino a rubare i soldi ai mendicanti, suscitando le reazioni incredule e infastidite della gente che li incrocia per strada.

La campagna si inquadra nel più ampio progetto Vuoi latte? - che consisterà nella realizzazione di un contest e della relativa attività di Social Media Marketing a supporto - attraverso il quale gli utenti saranno invitati a postare una foto spiritosa che rappresenti un momento sorprendente per offrire un bicchiere di latte.

Strategia digitale: Valerio Saffirio, Massimo Cortinovis.
Direzione creativa: Nicola Morello
Produzione Video virale: Mosaicoon.

venerdì, giugno 28

WWF - Antvertising

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At the cologne zoo we let 500.000 ants demonstrate against rainforest deforestation five days long. Each day at 3 am they marched with their protest posters through their terrarium. The clou: The slogans (Fight, Solidarity) were shaped from real leaves. 
The strength in this idea is the usage of naturally given conditions and turning them into something unseen and unique. 

We let regional journalists view the demonstration first, and media coverage quickly followed. 

During five days 30.000 zoo visitors followed the action live in the cologne zoo. Via an SMS people directly could support the WWF. 

Videos were placed on the WWF website, on Youtube and the website of the cologne zoo. The Ant Rally was shared via the facebook pages of WWF and WWF youth Germany. 

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Dusseldorf, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Wolfgang Schneider
Creative Director: Carsten Bolk, Christian Mommertz
Copywriter: Ramon Scheffer
Art Director: Fabian Pensel
Producer: Jack Gregory Donald, Kim Duesselberg
DoP: Ami Rodrigues, Ahmet Tan
Agency Producer: Steffen Gentis
Visual Effects: Andreas Landgraf
Editor: Stephen Krause
Voice Over: Tom Zahner
Sound Designer: Marco Manzo
Photographer: Jochen Manz
Creative Managing Director: Sebastian Hardieck, Christian Mommertz

Facebook round-up. #weekly 54

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The seven most popular posts of the week. 

"Road to nowhere" by Aaron J. Groen

Turn off your television

How to draw an ear

L'EGO by Ivan Puig
Brazil need...

The Smurfs Invade Rome for Global Smurfs Day

"One of the year's best films"
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