
venerdì, ottobre 11

Facebook round-up. #weekly 70

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

mercoledì, ottobre 9

Telekinetic Coffee Shop Surprise

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What if telekinesis was real? How would you react? This hidden camera experiment captures the reactions of unsuspecting customers at a New York City coffee shop as they witness a telekinetic event.

The video was a prank made to promote Sony-Screen Gems’ upcoming “Carrie” remake, which debuts in theaters Oct. 18.

Wooden Shark Coffins by BY HANDSOME WONG

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This social awareness campaign is meant to emphasize the mass killings of sharks: over 73 million of the species are killed every year just for bowls of soup. Their fins - which only make up 2% of their total weight - are brutally sliced off and the rest is tossed back into the ocean. 
The campaign was done in collaboration with IFAW, one of china’s most prominent animal welfare organizations.


Agency: y&r, shanghai
ECD: nils andersson / kon marinis
CD: anam as / handsome wong
Art director: handsome wong
Desinger: handsome wong
Copywriter: yin-yin wu / joana mosa
Typographer: leslis sim / jack li
Producer: nicolo miao
Source: Designboom

Pet condoms - Pregnancy protection for dogs and cats.

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Unconventional campaign by SF SPCA, a community-supported nonprofit dedicated to saving, protecting and caring for cats and dogs.

Discover what lies behind

martedì, ottobre 8

nelQ - Siamo #Guerrieri o #Coglioni?

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"Questo è l' interrogativo che si pone la nuova, provocatoria campagna di nelQ, firmata da Vincent Moro; a rappresentare lo scoramento della gente comune che, oltre a tutto il resto, deve pure sopportare d'esser impudentemente presa per il culo: lo sberleffo martellante di messaggi pubblicitari al gusto purga, ideati da chi evidentemente vive su un altro pianeta."

Ogni riferimento ad Enel ed alla sua recente campagna pubblicitaria #Guerrieri, pensata da Saatchi & Saatchi è puramente casuale.

Source: Shot
Project by Blu Magenta
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