
mercoledì, maggio 8

Greenpeace - What John West tuna cans should really look like.

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The Problem
John West Australia sells 97 million cans of tuna every year, but because of their destructive fishing practices, another 10 million cans could be filled with sea turtles, sting-rays and dolphins inadvertently killed as by-catch.

The idea
We sent out John West Tuna cans in the shape of marine life to journalists, public figures and social influencers in order to raise awareness of their unsustainable fishing methods and put the problem in people's hands.


Advertising Agency: Saatchi & Saatchi, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Damon Stapleton
Creatives: Gene Brutty, Timothy Seddon, Darren Borrino, Stuart Turner
Group Account Director: Jasmin Barnes
Account Executive: Elizabeth Bourke
Producer: Claire Colohan
3D Designer: Mark Sterne

Source: I Believe in ADV

venerdì, maggio 3

Facebook round-up. #weekly 46

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The seven most popular posts of the week.


Advertising vs. Reality
Awesome Lego sculpture by Nathan Sawaya
The cycle of abuse

This is always an exciting time
Which Religion cares the most about the homeless?

Saudi Arabia issues first anti-domestic abuse Ad

giovedì, maggio 2

"Free internet in Oporto" by Fra Biancoshock.

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Were detected 53 locations in the city center and neighboring areas where internet connection is offered by people who didn't care to put a password to their account. In this way everyone can connect to the internet for free at the point indicated by the sign and may even know the nickname of the user who is giving internet and, at that time, will have a connection to internet line much slower. Signs are 53 "thanks!" to 53 people who "decide" to have a slower connection to allow especially tourists (who otherwise would pay their telephone company to get internet in another state) to connect their smartphone for free.

Source: Fra Biancoshock

martedì, aprile 30

ANAR Foundation - "Only for children"

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ANAR Foundation manages in Spain the european unique phone number 116 111, to attend children and teenagers under a risk situation. On this telephone number, only for minors, they can find the help they need in a totally anonymous and confidential way. But, how can we get our message to a child abuse victim, even when they are accompanied by their aggressor?

Knowing the average height for adults and children under 10,GREY has created two different messages. Using an outdoor lenticular we show adults an awareness message, while children see a message where we offer them our help and show them the telephone number. A message only for children.

For Adults
For Children

Advertising Agency: Grey, Spain
Chief Creative Officer: Antonio Montero
Executive Creative Director: Javier García Monserrat
Creative Directors: Fernando Riveros, Matías López Navajas, María Salomón
Art Director: Jesús Martínez, Nacho Capelo, Javier García. Maestro
Copywriter: Álvaro Montes, Nuño Martín
Art Buyer: Mayte Carabias
Account Director: Lucía Gómez Hortigüela
Account Executive: Mar Portela
Client Contact: Tomás Lagunas, Marisa Sarralde, Benjamín Ballesteros, Marta Ruiz-Castillo

Torneo V - "Sucking strength never stops" #AmbientMarketing

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Clever Ambient Marketing action to promote new vacuuming Toshiba Torneo V.

Advertising Agency: Dentsu
Source: Paperplane
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