
martedì, settembre 4

1906 + Today - The Earthquake Blend by Shawn Clover

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After reading San Francisco is Burning, Dennis Smith’s superb book of San Francisco’s reaction to the 1906 earthquake, I got to thinking. What if I could precisely line up photos taken in 1906 with my own and combine the two together? I’ve always been frustrated by typical “then and now” photos because the photographer always seems to do a sloppy job aligning his ’then’ photos with the ‘now’ photos.

The Project
After sifting through catalogs of library photos of the devastation of San Francisco’s 1906 earthquake, I picked out a variety of photos taken from April 18, 1906 to 1907 that I felt give a well-rounded depiction of what was going on in the city at the time.

Now comes the fun part. Where was the exact spot the photographer stood? What was the equivalent focal length of his camera’s lens combined with the film medium? How high off the ground was the camera? Where was the sun in the sky? Everything needs to be precise when layering two photos on top of each other. My original idea was to tear away a piece of the modern photo to expose the 1906 photo, but after playing around a bit, everything seemed more interesting when the two were softly blended together.

I found that many of the original photos I planned to use were in fact unusable because the photographer was situated in a place where a building stands today. Others now have trees blocking the view. Oh well.


Satirical Illustrations by Pawel Kuczynski

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lunedì, settembre 3

POD Candle - “Cease fire, light a fire.”

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The International Day of Peace (21 September) is an opportunity for everyone to inspire and act upon saving lives. Peace One Day is a non-profit organization with the objective to raise awareness of The International Day of Peace and is asking everyone to take part in the largest movement of global reduction of violence and conflict. 
This "Peace One Day" candle it is also a response to their invitation to come up with an idea that will help raising awareness for Peace Day and make it impossible for anyone to ignorre it. The idea is that you bring a new tradition in your life by giving or lighting a special candle in honor of Peace Day. What makes the POD Candle different from a regular candle is that it contains a gift or a message inside it. If adopted, it can be mass produced and it can contain anything from branded badges or branded fridge magnets to special symbols of peace. And the same time, it is encouraged that individuals make their own candles dedicated to Peace Day, containing a message important to their lives.


Creative Director: Dan Mereanu
Additional credits: Irina Alexandrescu
Source: I Believe in ADV

giovedì, agosto 30

Emilio Cassanese – Thanks for the Cage

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This project was born the night when I visited one of these "pseudo-circus / zoo" where the spaces are so close and there wasn't much air. A proposal for collaboration, produced for the WWF

43% of circus and small zoos don't respect right spaces
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