
venerdì, ottobre 4

Facebook round-up. #weekly 69

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

mercoledì, ottobre 2

What real men look like in underwear Ads

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REAL women with real shapes have figured in ad campaigns for years, with brands such as Dove and M&S showing the female form as nature intended.

But what about the fellas? Instead of realistic role models, they are still faced with images of perfectly sculpted males modelling boxers beneath impossibly taut six-packs. 
This month saw David Beckham striking yet more smouldering poses to plug his new H&M undies range. 

Here, JENNY FRANCIS meets four brave Sun readers who posed in their pants to try to recreate the famous ads.
Originally Posted by THE SUN

Source: Shot

venerdì, settembre 27

Facebook round-up. #weekly 68

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

giovedì, settembre 26

Dove c'è Barilla c'è caos

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Dopo anni di strategie volte a diffondere e mantenere nell'immaginario collettivo valori di bontà e semplicità propri della citatissima "famiglia Mulino Bianco", il signor Guido Barilla ha pensato bene di vanificare il costoso lavoro di branding attraverso alcune scottanti dichiarazioni - "mai spot con omosessuali" giusto per citarne una, rilasciate durante un'intervista su Radio24. 
Il caos è scoppiato e Barilla, cotta a puntino, è caduta direttamente nelle fauci degli utenti.

mercoledì, settembre 25

The Fallen - 9,000 bodies onto Normandy beach to mark Peace Day.

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The Fallen is a tribute to the civilians, German forces and Allies who lost their lives during the Operation Neptune landing on June 6, 1944.

"The Fallen is a sobering reminder of what happens when peace is not present."

Source: Daily Mail
Artists: Andy Moss and Jamie Wardley
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