
venerdì, novembre 29

TAC - Ungiven Gifts #ungivengifts

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The heartache of facing Christmas following the loss of a friend or family member on the roads is the focus of “Ungiven Gifts”, a touching installation of 209 Christmas gifts that will never given. Behind each of these gifts is a heartbreaking story of a life lost and of loved ones whose Christmas is ruined. 

The Ungiven Gifts installation, launched by Victoria’s Transport Accident Commission (TAC) will be in the State Library forecourt until Wednesday. Visitors can leave either a commitment to safe driving or a tribute to a loved one on the Christmas tree, or on Facebook.

Advertising Agency: Grey, Melbourne, Australia
Executive Creative Director: Michael Knox
Creative Director: Nigel Dawson
Creatives: Rohan Cooke, Laura Petruccelli
Photographers: Louis Petruccelli, Guy Lavoipierre
Producer: Kath Regan
Account Director: Jodi Gubana
General Managers: Randal Glennon, Kerrie Spaargaren
Source: Bloguerrilla + AOTW

Facebook round-up. #weekly 77

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

mercoledì, novembre 27

RainCity Housing - Benchvertising.

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RainCity Housing provides specialized housing and support services for the homeless. To help communicate this, we created a transit bench that transforms into a temporary shelter for those in desperate need. When the roof is up Rain City Housing’s address is posted on the inside along with the message “Find a home here

Advertising Agency: Spring Advertising, Vancouver, Canada
Creative Director: Rob Schlyecher
Art Director / Designer: Jeremy Grice
Copywriters: Ben Hudson, Rob Schlyecher
Account handler: Al Theuri
Production: Stace Barton
Source: AOTW

venerdì, novembre 22

British Airways - Interactive billboard in Piccadilly Circus. #lookup

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Courtesy of a little digital magic, the young man in this poster really does know when it's a British Airways plane. And that really is the actual flight number and where it's flying in from.

Source: Bloguerrilla

Tampax - "Until the last drop."

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Advertising Agency: DKP, France
Creative Director: Daniel, Mathias
Art Director: Daniel
Copywriter: Mathias
Illustrator: Daniel
Sources: AOTW + Bloguerrilla
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