Visualizzazione post con etichetta guerrilla marketing. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta guerrilla marketing. Mostra tutti i post

sabato, luglio 21

BrandSTIK - Giant Storage.

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The USB market in India is largely dominated by global players like Transcend and ScanDisk. What distinguished our product from these leading players was our superior storage capacity. Hence, we were asked to think of a low-budget idea to capitalise on this differentiating factor and try to make a mark in this highly competitive market.

Taking our superior storage capacity in mind, we made massive USB connectors and fixed them on the rooftops of multiplexes and buildings, making the entire structures appear like giant USB flash drives. The copy read, "64 GB".

The idea was widely appreciated in trade circles dealing with USBs. Even though we were a new player in the USB market, we saw an exponential increase in the demand of our stock as compared to our competitors.

Agency: Publicis, Mumbai, India
Chief Creative Officer: Ashish Khazanchi
Executive Creative Director: Tushar Kadam
Creative Director: Vivek Rao, Shahrukh Irani
Art Director: Girish Wadisherla, Sowmya Balakrishnan
Copywriter: Manan Pandya
Photographer: Mitesh Nitin Popat
Account Manager: Farrosh Khosravi
Source: adoholik

venerdì, luglio 6

Facebook round-up. #weekly 6

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

LEGO minifigure in real life 

LEGO-Bridge by german streetartist Megz

International Labour Organization - Creative print ad 

Al Ain Zoo - Use water wisely. Stop draining the planet

Dimitri Daniloff Photographer

Motor City Nightmares - Horror buckets

Guerrilla action against Barclays Bank

giovedì, giugno 21

Kit Kat - Guy in a waiting line. #ambush

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Advertising Agency: JWT, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Executive Creative Director: Bas Korsten
Art Director: Daniel Ashkol
Copywriter: Maarten Van Kempen
Source: AOTW

venerdì, giugno 8

Amnesty International - Who's the villain?

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Are we really selling weapons to anybody? Let's make sure the Arms Trade Treaty is not meaningless. Sign the petition on before the debates begin in the UN on July 2.

Agency: AIR
Account: Julie De Smedt
CD: Marie-Laure Cliquennois, Grégory Ginterdaele
Copy: Yannick Pringels
AD: Antoine de Bellefroid
TV Producer: Bérengère Lurquin
Production Company: Caviar
Director: Nabil Ben Yadir
Producer: Vanessa Jacob / Audrey Dierckx
Executive Producer: Geert De Wachter
Online development: So Nice
Audio: Sonicville
Actors: La Ligue d'Impro belge, Jean-Claude Dubiez, Xavier Percy, Nicolas Buysse, Jean-Marc Cuvelier
Media: Web

giovedì, giugno 7

Domino's Pizza - Eat hot. #DM

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Domino's provides a really fast delivery so that pizza can always be hot when it gets to the customer's door.
We had to ensure that concept on the only point of contact with the client: his home. In general, addressed flyers in brazil tend to be an outdated media with a lot of bad and intrusive advertising. The challenge was to create something that really stuck. Using a door-to-door guerrilla strategy we came up with an original use of media: we placed flyers under each door (half in, half out) in a way that it seemed real oven spatulas delivering pizza inside the house. 

Advertising Agency: Artplan, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Executive Creative Director: Roberto Vilhena
Creative Directors: Gustavo Tirre, Alessandra Sadock
Art Director: Rodrigo Moraes
Copywriter: Frederico Cruz
Photographer: Max Moure / Hamdan
Illustrator: Rodrigo Moraes
Source: AOTW

mercoledì, giugno 6

Gatorade Lawn Refresher. #ambient

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We used the environment as our medium, creating special outdoor ads to comunicate to our core customer base generating huge talk value. The sprayers on a football field rehydrates the grass. Gatorade rehydrates the body. We created a field of gatorade sprinklers.

Advertising agency: DDB Shanghai
Source: CampaignBrief Asia - Via: Paperplane

martedì, giugno 5

WWF - The Plantmen

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WWF and Miraflores Municipality joined forced to raise awareness on the state nature is in, and the problems it will face if we don't help now.

Nature needs our help.

The Plantmen leave us an important lesson: We shouldn't wait for nature to reach miserable conditions in order to realize that it needs our help.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Lima, Peru
Creative Directors: Fernando Iyo, Javier Graña
Art Director: Renzo Sanguinetti
Copywriters: Juan Pablo Peschiera, Luis Vega
Illustrator: Pedro Molina
Photographer: Yoshiro Zurita
Additional credits: Pollo Arce, Lorena Garcia, Sugey Rojas, Elena Monteverde, Pool Guillen, Jean Paul Dubois

Source: I Believe in ADV

giovedì, maggio 10

Axe - Revolving doors to promote The AXE Effect.

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Images of different women were placed on revolving doors. Every time the doors were turned it appeared as the guy is sleeping with a different girl.

Advertising School: Hanyang University, South Korea
Creative Director / Art Director: Dongmin Shin
Copywriter: Jinuk Seok
Art Director: Jeongin Nam
Source: I Believe in ADV

martedì, aprile 17

The Donation Army

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OroVerdethe Rainforest Foundation, presents a great new way to raise funds.

Advertising Agency - Ogilvy & Mather Frankfurt
Idea and Art Direction - Sergej Chursyn

martedì, gennaio 31

Flying people in New York City

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In occasione dell’imminente arrivo nelle sale cinematografiche statunitensi  di Chronicle, il film supereroistico diretto da Josh Trank e distribuito dalla 20th Century Fox, l’agenzia Thinkmodo ha organizzato questa sorprendente azione di guerrilla.

Il film, girato in stile mockumentary, narra le vicende di tre studenti di Portland venuti in possesso di superpoteri difficili da gestire.

sabato, gennaio 14

La Puglia non è un binario morto. #ridateciitreni

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Contro  il taglio dei treni a lunga percorrenza deciso da Trenitaliascende in campo 'Ridateci i treni', una campagna finalizzata a manifestare, in maniera pungente e non convenzionale, tutto lo sdegno verso la negazione del diritto alla mobilità.

Da pendolare pugliese, nonché da estimatore del buon guerrilla marketing, non posso che complimentarmi con  Alessandro, ideatore di questa strepitosa azione.

lunedì, dicembre 12

Shell - Pedestrian Ghost. #Ambient

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Lo scorso 31 ottobre, Kiev è stata teatro di una sensazionale iniziativa volta a sensibilizzare gli automobilisti sulle possibili conseguenze dell'alta velocità.

Advertising Agency: JWT, Kiev
Creative Director: Vladislava Denis
Art Director: Denys Savchenko
Copywriter: Anna Geraskina
Producer: Natalya Pavlova
Managing Director: Olga Lanovyk
Executive Producer: Alexander Cherniavsky
Producer: Boris Kirichek

lunedì, novembre 7

Indignazione 2.0

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Arrivano da Roma le immagini di uno stickering attuato per esprimere, in maniera alternativa, indignazione nei confronti della classe politica.

venerdì, ottobre 14

Senai - Dive Courses

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Semplice, economica ed efficace azione di ambient immaginata per la promozione dei corsi di immersione subacquea organizzati dal SENAI.

Fonte: Paperplane

venerdì, ottobre 7

True Blood - The Bloody Fountain

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Azione di ambient realizzata in Romania per promuovere la quarta stagione di True Blood,  la serie televisiva statunitense prodotta da HBO.

mercoledì, settembre 21

World Alzheimer’s Day

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In occasione della  Giornata Mondiale Alzheimerla Federazione Alzheimer Italia ha organizzato una serie di iniziative volte a sensibilizzare il maggior numero di persone. Tra queste, l'invito a rimuovere l'immagine dal profilo di facebook e un'operazione di guerrilla esperienziale

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