Visualizzazione post con etichetta unconventional communication. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta unconventional communication. Mostra tutti i post

mercoledì, luglio 17

Blinkbox - Ambient marketing for Game of Thrones

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Spectacular dragon skull installation on Charmouth Beach (famous for its treasure trove of dinosaur fossils), to mark arrival of HBO's third season of Game of Thrones on Blinkbox

martedì, luglio 16

Live in comic strip. #Reveal

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Che la crisi abbia ormai investito ogni ambito è cosa risaputa. Che ne fossero vittima anche i supereroi è, invece, una novità.
Vittime di trame sempre uguali e di numero infinito di sequel e prequel, sabato 13 luglio (il giorno successivo allo stickering misterioso), un manipolo di supereroi ha invaso Piazza Trilussa, arrabattandosi in "lavori al tempo della crisi".

Ma, si sa, i supereroi restano tali in qualsiasi momento di difficoltà, anche economica: riuniti in Piazza Santa Maria in Trastevere si accorgono di un ladro sta scappando con un sacco pieno di soldi. Scatta subito l’inseguimento ma, stanchi del pomeriggio di lavoro, non hanno la forza di raggiungerlo. 
Chi li salverà da questo incubo? Un nuovo supereroe, giunto in bici mentre un video viene proiettato e un concorso viene lanciato. 
Che aspetto ha? Quali sono i suoi poteri? Beh, questo sarete voi a deciderlo: partecipate al contest e disegnate il vostro supereroe. Per farlo basta entrare nella pagina Facebook di scuolacomics, dove troverete il regolamento e i premi in palio. 
Siete abbastanza coraggiosi da sfidare il destino a colpi di matita? E allora... Draw your next superhero!

lunedì, luglio 15

giovedì, luglio 4

Outdoor campaign for Black Sabbath’s comeback album.

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The agency used a poster campaign where the poster emerges from layers of old posters that have been cut away to reveal that the legendary band has returned.

Advertising Agency: McCann, Copenhagen, Denmark
Creative Director: Mads Ohrt
Creatives: Andreas Rasmussen, Janus Hansen
Account manager: Celina Aagaard
Source: Bestadsontv

martedì, luglio 2

Assolatte - “Il latte non è solo roba per bambini”

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Il latte non è solo roba per bambini”: è questo il concept dell’irriverente campagna viral lanciata dalla Associazione Italiana Lattiero Casearia con l’obiettivo di riavvicinare teenager e giovani adulti al consumo della bevanda da sempre correlata al mondo infantile.

Rovesciando l’immagine di purezza tradizionalmente associata al latte, Assolatte diffonde in rete un viral, girato con riprese live, che vede come protagoniste 3 mascotte tutt'altro che politically correct: rimorchiano le ragazze che incontrano in spiaggia, provocano e infastidiscono i passanti e arrivano persino a rubare i soldi ai mendicanti, suscitando le reazioni incredule e infastidite della gente che li incrocia per strada.

La campagna si inquadra nel più ampio progetto Vuoi latte? - che consisterà nella realizzazione di un contest e della relativa attività di Social Media Marketing a supporto - attraverso il quale gli utenti saranno invitati a postare una foto spiritosa che rappresenti un momento sorprendente per offrire un bicchiere di latte.

Strategia digitale: Valerio Saffirio, Massimo Cortinovis.
Direzione creativa: Nicola Morello
Produzione Video virale: Mosaicoon.

venerdì, giugno 28

WWF - Antvertising

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At the cologne zoo we let 500.000 ants demonstrate against rainforest deforestation five days long. Each day at 3 am they marched with their protest posters through their terrarium. The clou: The slogans (Fight, Solidarity) were shaped from real leaves. 
The strength in this idea is the usage of naturally given conditions and turning them into something unseen and unique. 

We let regional journalists view the demonstration first, and media coverage quickly followed. 

During five days 30.000 zoo visitors followed the action live in the cologne zoo. Via an SMS people directly could support the WWF. 

Videos were placed on the WWF website, on Youtube and the website of the cologne zoo. The Ant Rally was shared via the facebook pages of WWF and WWF youth Germany. 

Advertising Agency: BBDO, Dusseldorf, Germany
Chief Creative Officer: Wolfgang Schneider
Creative Director: Carsten Bolk, Christian Mommertz
Copywriter: Ramon Scheffer
Art Director: Fabian Pensel
Producer: Jack Gregory Donald, Kim Duesselberg
DoP: Ami Rodrigues, Ahmet Tan
Agency Producer: Steffen Gentis
Visual Effects: Andreas Landgraf
Editor: Stephen Krause
Voice Over: Tom Zahner
Sound Designer: Marco Manzo
Photographer: Jochen Manz
Creative Managing Director: Sebastian Hardieck, Christian Mommertz

lunedì, giugno 24

Amnesty International - A Strong Dish.

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The death penalty is on table.
For the first time in a century, Puerto Rico faces the possibility of death penalty. To avoid it, Amnesty International needed to shift public opinion fast. 

At the food court 
We convinced James Reynolds to reshoot his known series exclusively depicting the last meals of 5 innocent men, wrongfully executed in the US. The message was placed on fast food trays in leading courts.


Advertising Agency: DDB Latina, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Chief Creative Officer: Enrique Renta
Creative Director: Leslie Robles
Copywriter: Gabriel Ríos
Art Director: José Rivera
Photographer: James Reynolds
Account Manager: Edgardo Manuel Rivera
Planner: Marisa Pujals

Samaritans 2013 - Interactive Advertising Campaign.

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Samaritans are the confidential, non-judgmental emotional support offered by email, letter, telephone and face-to-face meetings. They recieive about 1 millon calls a year, 1 out of 5 are suicidal calls. There are 18,750 people currently volunteering but more listening volunteers are always needed. Our aim is to make people realize that at Samaritans when you answer a call you can change someone’s life.
This campaign is made of series of interactive adverts. It is placed in a busy tube station near a telephone booth. This telephone has been stopped for purpose of the advert. The public is faced with a shocking situation that Samaritan volunteers have to deal with on a daily bases.

Advertising School: CSM, London, UK
Creatives: Kwan Hee Cho, Gregoire Barau, Inyoung Choi, Angela Arnaout
Source: I Believe in ADV

lunedì, giugno 17

#dieselreboot - “I Resurrect The Destructed”

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La papessa Giovanna, figura leggendaria che avrebbe regnato sulla Chiesa dall’853 all’855, è la testimonial di un’azione di beamvertising ideata da Diesel per promuovere #dieselreboot, una call to action finalizzata alla mobilitazione di una comunità globale di artisti e creativi emergenti.
Chi sono i distrutti che risorgeranno? 
Non vi resta che consultare il sito, la pagina ufficiale o seguire l’hashtag #dieselreboot

martedì, giugno 11

Photoshop Live - Street Retouch with Erik Johansson. #CreativeDay

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One Photoshop magician, one bus stop and lots of hidden cameras to promote Adobe Creative Day.

Agency: Abby Norm
Starring: Erik Johansson - Photographer & Retouch Artist
Music by: Hannes Lidén & Bessem Bedziri
Production company: We Are Digital Sthlm
Film production: Autoboys

venerdì, giugno 7

Facebook round-up. #weekly 51

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

IBM Turns Its Ads Into Useful Urban Furniture

Dalmatian is not born, it becomes!


Who's missing?

WWF - Umbrella Tree

Amazing Trompe-l'œil

giovedì, giugno 6

Leo Burnett London's Shocking New Anti-Drunk Driving Campaign. #publooshocker

Filmed in a North London pub, this THINK! drink drive short film launched on 6th June 2013 seeks to dissuade drivers from drinking and driving. 

What impact could a drink have on your night out?

Agency: Leo Burnett
Source: OSOCIO

mercoledì, giugno 5

IBM Turns Its Ads Into Useful Urban Furniture.

"Smart ideas for Smarter cities"

Advertising Agency: Ogilvy & Mather, Paris, France
Chief Creative Officer: Chris Garbutt
Executive Creative Director: Susan Westre
Copywriters: Lauren Elkins, Andrew Mellen
Art Director: Daniel Diego Lincoln
Creatives: Daniel Diego Lincoln, Stephane Santana
Photographer: Bruno Bicalho Carvalhaes
Agency Supervisors: Muriel Benitah, Mary McFarland

Tnx @curljam
Source: Co.CREATE

martedì, giugno 4

Fiat Grand Siena - "Change your perception of space."

The challenge
Promote the new Grand Siena, a compact sedan with a surprisingly spacious interior.


By using an optical illusion trick (Ames Room) we created an installation where the perception of the size of people was altered as they interacted with the space.

Advertising Agency: The Marketing Store, São Paulo, Brazil
Creative Director: Rodrigo Allgayer
Art Director: Levy Mota
Copywriter: Paulo Vasconcellos
Illustrator: Levy Mota
Planner: Roberto Sandrin
Planner Director: Albano Neto
Additional credits: Rafael Bruno de Melo, Ariel Avelino Santos, Fabricio Klug
Source: I Believe in ADV

venerdì, maggio 31

Vancouver Aquarium - Shark Fin Tidal Poster

"Our message promoting the Sharks & Rays exhibit was revealed with each and every tide. The floating shark fin would rise and fall, no matter the water level, drawing in curious onlookers and photographers in the high traffic area of Stanley Park. The first photo of the fin sparked a frenzy on social media networks including Facebook, Twitter and several local blogs and newspapers. As the tide receded and the poster was revealed, a second photo was released to the public. In the first week alone, the Shark Fin Tidal Poster garnered nearly 120,000 online impressions."

Advertising Agency: TAXI, Vancouver, Canada
Executive Creative Director: Kevin Barclay
Creative Director / Copywriter: Matt Bielby
Art Director: Tony Hird
Designer: Andrew Passas
Illustrator: Zara Picken
Photographers: Chad Jones, Tony Hird
Account Manager: Amber Foss

Source: I Believe in ADV

mercoledì, maggio 29

lunedì, maggio 27

Swisscom - All eyes on the S4.

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At the Zürich Bahnhof train station, an installation with dual videocameras records visitors that compete live for a brand new Samsung S4 telephone. 

Agency: Heimat Berlin / Perfect Fools
Source: Pragmatiko

lunedì, maggio 13

Smart fortwo - It can park anywhere

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The brief
Smart wanted to do a tactical action for their main target, who live in city centres. The benefit was clear: in city centres it's difficult to find parking space, so the most intelligent thing you can do is drive a Smart, which you can park anywhere.
However, we had a problem. The same one as always: the budget for the action was really small.

The idea
We did a mailing that was made up of a small cardboard Smart, that was completely three dimensional. Thanks to simple technology (an elastic band), the cardboard automatically folded up to form the car inside the mailbox, so that when it was opened, the recipient found a perfectly parked Smart. 
The message was obvious: "It can park anywhere". 


Advertising Agency: RMG Connect, Madrid, Spain
Creative Directors: Nacho Rojo, Nacho Herranz
Art Director: Nacho Rojo
Copywriter: Nacho Herranz
Producer: Antonio Ortega

Source: I Believe in Adv
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