This is a promotional School bus that demonstrates the reality of child soldiers. It will drive around major cities to raise awareness on the issue.
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Amnesty International. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Amnesty International. Mostra tutti i post
venerdì, dicembre 2
venerdì, luglio 25
Amnesty International - Kiss Against Homophobia
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A kiss between two people is the most intimate form of contact that perfectly symbolizes their commitment to one another. Collect 365 kisses, one for each day of the year, by the International Coming Out Day 2014 (October 11), demonstrating that love is a fundamental human right regardless of gender.
The purpose of the free kiss initiative is to remind us of this even after the end of Budapest Pride Week.
Give a kiss for equality if you want to kiss homophobia and transphobia good-bye!
Advertising Agency: DDB, Budapest, HungaryCreative Director: Peter Tordai
Art Director: Carlos Ramas, Luther Filho
Creative Strategist: Tom Hidvegi
Head Of Art:Guilherme SomensatoHead of Art: Guilherme Somensato
Copywriter: Bence BodnárProject Managers: Rozalia Szigeti, Zsofia Maul
martedì, giugno 17
Amnesty International - Iggy Pop, Dalai Lama.
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giovedì, giugno 12
lunedì, giugno 24
Amnesty International - A Strong Dish.
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The death penalty is on table.
For the first time in a century, Puerto Rico faces the possibility of death penalty. To avoid it, Amnesty International needed to shift public opinion fast.
At the food court
We convinced James Reynolds to reshoot his known series exclusively depicting the last meals of 5 innocent men, wrongfully executed in the US. The message was placed on fast food trays in leading courts.
Advertising Agency: DDB Latina, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Chief Creative Officer: Enrique Renta
Creative Director: Leslie Robles
Copywriter: Gabriel Ríos
Art Director: José Rivera
Photographer: James Reynolds
Account Manager: Edgardo Manuel Rivera
Planner: Marisa Pujals
martedì, febbraio 19
Amnesty International - Censored Tweet
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The yearnings for freedom of expression have been highlighted by the Arab Spring uprisings and by the mobilizations and disputes involving the new information technologies – in 2012, the United Nations started to consider Internet access as a Human Right. But censorship remains a problem in several countries. How to call people’s attention to the subject in this new era of online activism? Amnesty International, in partnership with DM9Rio, launches Censored Tweet.
It is a mechanism in which people can tweet black bars of censorship, as if the tweets were being banned in your timeline. At the end of “censored tweet” there will be a non-identified link encouraging followers to click and unravel the action. That will also invite internet users to join the movement by creating their own “censored tweets” automatically. The concept is: “In many countries, this is what happens to those who try to express themselves.”
The project’s page is available in five different languages and automatically recognizes the country where it is being accessed from.
Advertising Agency: DM9Rio, Brazil
Creatives: Guilherme Cunha, Ana Novis, Konjedic Leonardo, Rafael Ferrer, Rodrigo Dorfman and Igor Quintella.
Creative Director: Álvaro Rodrigues and Diogo Mello
Contact: Ciça Mattos and Márcia Feitosa
Project Manager: Anderson Passos
Producer: Cabana Criação
Approved by: Atila Roque, a Soledad Dominguez and Thais Herdy
Creatives: Guilherme Cunha, Ana Novis, Konjedic Leonardo, Rafael Ferrer, Rodrigo Dorfman and Igor Quintella.
Creative Director: Álvaro Rodrigues and Diogo Mello
Contact: Ciça Mattos and Márcia Feitosa
Project Manager: Anderson Passos
Producer: Cabana Criação
Approved by: Atila Roque, a Soledad Dominguez and Thais Herdy
Source: I Believe in ADV
giovedì, giugno 21
Amnesty International Uruguay - We Remember.
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This campaign aims to remember the people who were persecuted, tortured and disappeared under the military dictatorships in Uruguay, Argentina and Chile. In conmemoration of 40 years of democracy in the region and Amnesty’s ongoing fight for justice for those still missing.
Advertising Agency: Lowe Ginkgo, Montevideo, Uruguay
Chief Creative Officer: Gabriel Román
Executive Creative Directors: Fernando De Clemente, Sebastián Mir, Jorge González
Creative Directors: Gonzalo López Baliñas, Diego Román
Art Directors: Agustín Acosta, Álvaro Díaz, Luis Meyer
Copywriters: Mateo Vidal, Camila De Simone
Photographer: Gustavo Germano
Account Managers: Marcelo Bonomi, Victoria Martin
Source: I Believe in ADV
venerdì, giugno 8
Amnesty International - Who's the villain?
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Are we really selling weapons to anybody? Let's make sure the Arms Trade Treaty is not meaningless. Sign the petition on before the debates begin in the UN on July 2.
Agency: AIR
Account: Julie De Smedt
CD: Marie-Laure Cliquennois, Grégory Ginterdaele
Copy: Yannick Pringels
AD: Antoine de Bellefroid
TV Producer: Bérengère Lurquin
Production Company: Caviar
Director: Nabil Ben Yadir
Producer: Vanessa Jacob / Audrey Dierckx
Executive Producer: Geert De Wachter
Online development: So Nice
Audio: Sonicville
Actors: La Ligue d'Impro belge, Jean-Claude Dubiez, Xavier Percy, Nicolas Buysse, Jean-Marc Cuvelier
Media: Web
venerdì, febbraio 24
giovedì, febbraio 16
Amnesty International Portugal - Freedom Dictionary
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"To mark a Global Day of Action on Revolutions in Middle East and North Africa, Amnesty International Portugal is giving these protesters a voice, setting their words free and amplifying their message through social media networks. We're launching the Freedom Dictionary project, a collective dictionary that holds 155 thousand words. These words will be set free by people, through the internet. To take part in this project, just go to, choose a word and share using social media networks. The chosen word will bear the name of the person who released it, crediting those who choose to participate.
On World Press Freedom Day, 11 copies of the dictionary will be printed and mailed to eleven countries where revolutions are taking place.
The names of the people who released the words will also be featured on the printed version. Words that are not released will not be printed in the dictionary, being replaced by a blank space."
Fonte: Torke
venerdì, luglio 1
Amnesty International - Human Piano
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Amnesty International torna a richiamare l'attenzione sul diritto alla parità di trattamento con Living in Harmony, un progetto che affronta in maniera ludica l'annoso problema delle discriminazioni, una piaga che, a distanza di più di sessant'anni dalla Dichiarazione universale dei diritti umani, affligge ancora la vita di milioni di persone.
Fonte: Nonconvenzionale
giovedì, dicembre 30
Amnesty International - Human (is not a ) Machine
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Al fine di sensibilizzare la popolazione coreana sulla riprovevole situazione dei lavoratori immigrati, Amnesty International ha promosso, in occasione dell' International Migrants Day, questa gradevole azione di ambient ideata dall'agenzia Supernormalvoice di Seul.
martedì, novembre 30
Amnesty International - Making the invisible visible
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Il collettivo artistico Mentalgassi ha collaborato con Amnesty International per creare attenzione sul caso di Troy Anthony Davis, l'uomo che da 19 anni si trova nel braccio della morte nonostante i forti dubbi sulla sua colpevolezza.
giovedì, giugno 10
giovedì, maggio 6
Amnesty International - Tyrannybook
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Con l'obiettivo di generare una coscienza globale sulle innumerevoli atrocità commesse nel mondo, Amnesty International Portogallo ha lanciato Tyrannybook, un social network dedicato alla sorveglianza di quei leader mondiali ritenuti violatori dei diritti umani. In questa prima fase sono stati caricaricati i profili di Robert Mugabe, Omar Al-Bashir, Kim Jong, Than Shwe, Hu Jintau, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Radovan Karadzic, Aleksandr Lukashenko e Ramzan Kadyrov Akhmadovich.
martedì, gennaio 5
Amnesty International - banner
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Per creare awareness sul crescente numero di persone costrette a vivere in baraccopoli spesso prive di acqua ed elettricità, l'agenzia Serviceplan di Monaco di Baviera ha pensato di sfidare l'endemica "banner blindness" attraverso questa sorprendente e ineludibile interattività.
lunedì, settembre 21
La forza di una firma
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Lo scorso agosto, Amnesty International ha promosso a Seoul una campagna di sensibilizzazione contro la pena di morte, invitando i passanti a dare il proprio contributo per la realizzazione di un sogno.
Fonte: AOTW
Fonte: AOTW
venerdì, luglio 17
Report it
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sabato, giugno 27
Uno sguardo può fermare la violenza
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martedì, maggio 5
Contro la tratta di esseri umani
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Amnesty International ha celebrato il suo 60° anniversario con un'azione di social guerrilla realizzata all'interno degli aeroporti tedeschi e finalizzata a denunciare la tratta di esseri umani.
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