Visualizzazione post con etichetta Kurt Cobain. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta Kurt Cobain. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì, aprile 12

Facebook round-up. #weekly 43

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The seven most popular posts of the week.

Problem solving!

Epic T-shirt
Life is ...

Amazing tattoo by MrDado Carlini 

Unity by Bohyun Yoon (2009)

Equality doesn't mean justice

Meanwhile in Heaven...

venerdì, febbraio 17

Erika Iris Simmons - The Ghost in the Machine

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“The Ghost in the Machine series was inspired by some strange ideas. How at one level we are cellular beings and another we are a single self. The single cassette tape I thought of as representing the mind. The tape ribbon represents our thoughts, the data within. Taking that data – those bits of memory – and rearranging them to form what we see as a face is my way of finding a “ghost in the machine.” I also liked the fact that when you look at a portrait like Jimi Hendrix out of a cassette tape, you can almost hear the music in your head – so your own “data” is responding to what you see."

Fonte: iri5
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