Visualizzazione post con etichetta microsoft. Mostra tutti i post
Visualizzazione post con etichetta microsoft. Mostra tutti i post

venerdì, settembre 6

Facebook round-up. #weekly 61-65

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The most popular posts of Summer.

post by Viralmente.

sabato, marzo 17

Stefan Asafti - The Greatest Brandversations

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"This is a project about brands - the great brands of the modern world - which have build quite a history for themselves as the years went by .

There have always existed disputes among the competing parties, divergent opinions, while the fans of each brand were convinced that theirs was the best product. Last, but not least, the rivals have even conducted ad campaigns against the competing brands. This project mostly approaches the visual "conversations" between the company logos and the ways that they influence each other, hence the name of the project, Brandversations. It is a parallel between the modern and the old, some of the slogans dating back to the 40s and 50s.

I have switched the slogans of the brands amongst themselves, the goal of this being to give them further meaning and to create a sort of a confusion. It is surprising how logos can influence other logos. The truth is that each pair of rivals has something in common, that something which has helped them to build one identity upon the other, this way becoming the biggest brands.

Completing this project has taken a lot of time and a lot of patience on my part. Each little bit of the final image has been moved and resized manually in order to maintain a correct and balanced composition and layout of the elements.

Hope you enjoy!"

Fonte: Thaeger

domenica, gennaio 1

Viktor Hertz - Honest Logos.

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“An idea for a series with honest logos, revealing the actual content of the company, what they really should be called. Some are cheap, some might be a bit funny, some will maybe be brilliant. I don’t know.”

martedì, ottobre 26

Patrick Boivin - Optimus 7

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Patrick Boivin firma il video di LG Optimus 7, il primo smartphone basato su Windows Phone 7, la nuova piattaforma mobile di Microsoft.

Fonte: Buzzilla

venerdì, maggio 7

Microsoft - It's a genuine steal

3 commenti
Office Ultimate 2007 a soli $ 75 è un'offerta paragonabile a un furto. E' questo il concept alla base dell'ultimo virale lanciato da Microsoft.

venerdì, dicembre 4

La sfida è nell'aria

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Per dimostrare la semplicità di utilizzo del nuovo sistema operativo Windows 7, il bestione informatico di Redmond ha regalato al blogger Rodolfo Castrezana, l'emozionante esperienza di scrivere un post in caduta libera.
Su OMEdI trovate il video dell'impresa.

venerdì, ottobre 23

La strana coppia

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Sicuramente insolita è l'iniziativa di co-marketing realizzata in occasione dell'uscita sul mercato del nuovo sistema operativo Windows 7.
Dal 22 al 28 ottobre, nei Burger King giapponesi, è possibile acquistare, al costo di 777 yen, il nuovo Whopper, un building farcito con ben 7 hamburger.
Mangiarlo è ovviamente un'impresa!!

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